The Village of Alfred Planning board has approved the proposed Bus Shelter as of March 1st. The project has been officially titled 'The Alfred Plaza Project' and has demonstrated a successful collaboration between Alfred University art students in COTTA (Community Outreach Through The Arts) and the Alfred State Architecture Club.
COTTA's website is

Corian will compose a large portion of this project in an innovative manner to create the 7 benches located throughout the Alfred Plaza.

Approximately 1.5 tons of scrap flashing pieces will be diverted from the landfill and utilized as a building material to create the benches.

The Corian flashing will be accompanied by another waste material that was procured from the Hudson Valley Materials Exchange. Este Lauder produced a promotional bracelet made from translucent pink acrylic. The bracelet didn't make it to the hands of consumers for unknown reasons and was landfill bound, but was rescued by several material reuse organizations throughout New York State. The benches will utilize roughly 1000 bracelets as spacers between the Corian scrap to reduce the weight of the benches and permit water to flow through.

The seat uses flashing produced from the 810 model sink, modified with 2-2" holes to accept a galvanized pipe for structural support. The pipes were donated to RePo (a material reuse program at Alfred University) by AUTV from an old lighting grid.

The back rest is created from flashing produced from the 872 mold, cut diagonally to create a slender triangular shape.

The backs of two benches facing Main street will be clad with artistic ceramic tile instead of the wood, and may play off the interesting optical effects produced by the interaction between the Corian scrap and pink bracelets.